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Thursday, August 25, 2005


I remembered 'weaning' Farihin off his pacifier when he turned 2 years old. It was also the time when I enrolled him into a childcare centre and I didn't want to have to bring along the pacifier to school. Furthermore, his two front teeth looked as if it were going to protrude out if he kept sucking on his pacifier. Like me, I 'weaned' off mine only at 5 years of age and that was only because i had an ulcer on my tongue.

Taking away the pacifier from him was not an easy task. He can't sleep without it and hell broke loose when one fine day I forgot to bring it home from my mum's house! At that moment, I said to myself I had do it! No more pacifier for him. And so I did a cold turkey on him using a trick that my mum used on my younger brother's pacifier many years ago.

One morning before he woke up, I wet the tip of the pacifier, dipped a bit of Nescafe and left it underneath the kitchen cabinets. Of course at that age he can't tell it's Nescafe! When he woke up, I told him I found his pacifier there and the cockroach had shit on it! He cried and insisted on washing it off. I went to the sink, pretended to wash it away and showed him that the shit was there to stay! Each time he asked for the pacifier, I reminded and showed him that the cockroach shit was still there and he believed me! I think it took at least a week or so and thank goodness finally,he managed to carry on without it! Successful!

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Now, I have to start thinking of a plan for Farah.....

Friday, August 12, 2005


Anak dara saya walaupun umurnya setahun jagung dah boleh diharap tau! Rajin! Setiap waktu makan malam dia akan menghidangkan sepinggan roti kepada datuknya. Dan selepas datuknya menghabiskan hidangan roti itu, secara otomatik, anak dara saya akan mengangkat pinggan serta gelas ke dapur. Tak percaya? Inilah bukti-buktinya

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Inilah yang dikata orang SERVICE WITH A SMILE!

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Sungguh tak cantik dengan puting tersempang di mulut! Ish!

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Gelas tadi mana? Jatuh setengah jalan kan?

Dah berminggu saya terlupa nak ucapkan tahniah kepada adik saya, Muhd Farhan akhirnya telah selamat menamatkan pengajiannya di Nanyang Polytechnic dalam jurusan Electronics & Computer Engineering . Sungguh bangga saya kakaknya kerana telah berpeluang menghadiri majlis graduasinya. Syabas adikku!

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Farhan (yg berbaju putih sedang menjalani perkidmatan negara di Akademi Polis), kawan dan Diploma mereka! Tahniah!

Menukar kepada subjek yg lain, seekor ulat telah dijumpai mati bergelimpangan di depan rumah mak saya. Gemuk juga ulat itu. Sempat juga saya mengambil gambarnya..

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Ulat gemuk

Ini sahaja yang dapat saya bualkan pada kali ini. Sekian. Terima kasih.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Out of the blue, I suddenly thought of cotton candy! And I feel like eating it right now but there's no pasar malam around here so looks like it has to wait. I remember those cotton candy that comes with the ice cream cone! So nice! In the meantime, I'll just have to stare at the picture here!

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