Oh! It's already July. Which means my previous entry has now expired. That also shows that I've left my blog without any updates for nearly a month, leaving the page to collect dust and cobwebs.
Where did the month of June go? Everything passes by so quickly that sometimes you hardly have time to even sit down and catch your breath. And often, we forget time is really precious and that we should cherish every minute of it. Doesn't matter with who, your loved ones, your friends, whoever you're in touch with. Before it's too late...
Things happen in life for a reason. People say there's always a blessing in disguise if bad things happen. And if good things happen, all the better.
Years passed, seeing both of my kids grow (which means I grow older too) I feel a sense of happiness. Though they have a 5 years age gap, they're still very close to each other. They missed one another if they're apart but when they're together hell breaks loose. Which will turn me into a monster trying to keep peace at home.
There's of course so much more things to expect as time comes and so much more to learn in being a parent. It's not going to be easy but I guess it's worth it!
With that, I leave you with Farihin & Farah...