While everybody else have to deal with the bird flu, something happen closer to home, so close to me infact.....Farihin came down with chicken pox!
For the past 2 weeks or so each one of his classmates got it and I was hoping hard that he didn't catch it. But on last Tuesday evening he came back with a blister on his finger. At first I thought he hold a pencil too hard or touch some burning hot thing that caused the blister. But after he mentioned one more girl in his class had got chicken pox, that was it!
He's on mc from childcare centre until 25 September and is currently recovering well. All his pox came out by the 3rd day and each day he's covered with calamine lotion. He's been told to keep away from his baby sister but it's been hard cos she keeps going near him.
Brought home Tom n Jerry vcds, Shrek, The Grinch, whatever movies I have on vcd for him to watch while he's staying at my mum's home. He watched them all at one go and spend the rest of his time calling me on my mobile!
My cousin told me to monitor Farah within these 2 weeks. She might get it, she might not. I hope she won't cos I don't think it'll be easy. Meanwhile, I'll just have to wait and see...
And you know what? Farihin is a little bit worried that the spots on his face won't go away and he won't look handsome anymore. Hmmm...